Inside the Box with JDM

A podcast about how successful innovators and startup founders think.


Who is your customer? (Business Models Part 2)

This is part 2 of JDM's deep dive into business models, and it's all about the customer. They're at the center of any successful business model, and the key is to understand them deeply. Here's how.


  • This is part 2 of JDM's deep dive into business models, and it's all about the customer.

  • Why? No one invests in weak business models, and no successful business is built on one. Duh!

  • The customer is at the center of any business model.

  • Who are they?

  • Where are they?

  • What are there wants, needs, & fears?

  • How do we discover them?

  • And more!


Inside the Box with JDM is sponsored by The Right Box, a bespoke team of entrepreneurs and innovators who help startup founders find the quickest past to traction, or fail fast trying.
