Inside the Box with JDM

A podcast about how successful innovators and startup founders think.


Your idea sucks — and that's fantastic!

It’s not that there’s no such thing as a bad idea. It's that there’s actually no such thing as a good idea.

We’ve all heard, and maybe even said, “there’s no such thing as a bad idea”. And the point is that when we’re ideating, it’s helpful to suppress our internal critic so we don’t accidentally filter out good stuff — and, sometimes, bad ideas inspire good ideas through discussion.

So it’s not that JDM disagrees with that. He certainly doesn't! But he doesn't seem to think it goes quite far enough. It’s not that there’s no such thing as a bad idea, JDM says, but that, in fact, there’s actually no such thing as a good idea.

On this episode of the podcast, JDM talks about why your startup or other innovation idea sucks — and, more importantly, why that’s actually pretty fantastic.